Make Agriculture Responsibility Part Of Your New Year’s Resolutions
Make Agriculture Responsibility Part Of Your New Year’s Resolutions
December 31, 2014
"At the start of the new year, many of us make a resolution — usually to do something better. My FFAA resolution for 2015 is to raise awareness of the resolutions already adopted and in place by the Florida agchem industry regarding regulatory compliance and workplace safety.
The unsung heroes in this industry are those whose everyday commitment to safety and security means growers continue to have access to essential crop inputs, which help them grow better. These professionals never waver in their resolution to safeguard their coworkers and communities.
Their daily work is guided by many memorable mantras:
- Safety never takes a holiday.
- Safety doesn’t happen by accident.
- Know safety, no injury. No safety, know injury.
- Safety isn’t expensive, it’s priceless.
- Safety is as simple as ABC: Always Be Careful.
FFAA focused on greater participation with Local Emergency Planning Councils (LEPC) in 2014. Member companies stepped up and worked with emergency responders to host site visits and a LEPC training exercise.
Ramping Up Responsibility
In 2015, FFAA is focusing its efforts to promote safety and security by encouraging its members to participate in ResponsibleAg. What is ResponsibleAg? A visit to its website,, tells you the following and more."
Read more from Growing Produce.